Filled with captivating colour, cosy fires and a special kind of glow, autumn is one of the most beautiful seasons to share with someone special. It’s a chance to step out and enjoy just-warm-enough temperatures before winter sets in and to immerse yourselves in the beauty of nature. Here are our favourite five ways to embrace this enchanting season.

1. A long, leaf-kicking walk

Who doesn’t love kicking through crisp autumn leaves? You can keep things simple by stepping out to a nearby park or arboretum or plan an adventurous expedition to a local forest. Wrap up warm, wear sturdy boots and get ready to crunch those leaves. You might even spot some squirrels getting ready to hibernate.

2. An autumn picnic

This is the perfect chance to show off your fun side. Pack up blankets and a warming soup (homemade if you can), throw in some seasonal apples and your favourite sweet treat and you’re all set for a romantic afternoon. You’ll get extra points if you scout out a location that has a cute shelter (I’m thinking bandstand or park pavilion), in case the weather turns a little too autumnal.

3. Hide out in the museum

Perfect for chillier days, seeking out the treasures of your favourite museum is a great way to get to know each other. If you know your date is interested in a particular artist, or a specific moment in history, try to find an exhibition nearby. There’s nothing more heart-warming than knowing someone has paid attention when we’ve been talking about our passions.

4. Become starstruck

Pick a clear night, grab plenty of your favourite blankets and cushions and set up the deckchairs ready for an evening stargazing. Make sure you’ve got flasks of hot chocolate to keep yourselves warm and take the chance to enjoy the sparkling autumn night sky. Arm yourself with a book on constellations, or download a handy app.

5. Build a fire

Bonfire Night is always fun, and a Bonfire Night for two is extra special. You can organise some marshmallows for toasting and whip up your favourite spiced hot drink. Add in a few sparklers for a sprinkle of old-fashioned fun.

These are just a few ideas to help you enjoy autumn, and enjoy getting to know each other. Autumn is a special time of year and a great opportunity to spend time indulging in things you both love. Here’s to happy dating.